Things Every First-Time Renter Needs to Know
Renters insurance recommended
There is no law that requires you to have renter’s insurance, however, some landlords can require renters’ insurance as a stipulation of the lease agreement. Now some people might ask what exactly is renters’ insurance? Renters insurance is similar to homeowners’ insurance, it protects the property in case of emergency. If a flood sweeps through the building or a fire damages your unit, renters’ insurance will cover the cost of your belongings. So, although it is not always required it is definitely recommended.
Furnish little by little
When you first move into a space it is very tempting to want to decorate your apartment right away. This is an urge that you should resist, try to just start off by buying the apartment essentials. These essentials include a bed, a table, and a couch. Then from there, you can start to purchase things a little at a time. Not only will doing this save you money but it will also help you to avoid impulse purchases.
The Time of Year You Rent Affects How Much You Will Pay
Understand tenant rights
When searching for your first apartment or home avoid doing so during the spring and summer if that is at all possible. There will be more options in the spring and summer, but the prices will be higher. Winter on the other hand is a slower season, so landlords are eager to rent out their properties so they will be more likely to offer move-in specials just to get the unit filled.
Find Out If Your Landlord Allows Subletting
Sometimes things happen, these things might cause you to move out prematurely. If you have to vacate before your lease is up, subletting is an option to stop you from having to pay fees for breaking your lease or just have to pay rent for months even though you’re not living there. Subletting allows the original tenant to move out, and a new tenant to move in. Whether or not subletting is allowed is discussed in the lease, so make sure you read it and keep your eyes peeled for anything about subletting.
The tenant-landlord relationship isn’t always smooth sailing, that is why knowing your rights as a tenant is so important. It is advised that you check out your state’s Tenant Landlord Handbook. This handbook will provide information on things like security deposits and when they can be withheld. It will also cover things like the number of days necessary to submit a notice to vacate, it will overall cover things that you as a tenant will want to know.